




Assaulting Tony Stark's Arc Reactor drew you and the Eye of Agamotto to me, and gave me the power I expected to take it from you. Since I have the Eye of Agamotto, I am not restricted t

o administering over the Dark Dimension. The entire universe will be mine. You will observer the new world request, ruled always by Dormammu. Beginning with Earth, the cornerstone to the universe



After a debacle in Attilan which finished in the annihilation of the city, Truman Marsh (subtly Ultron camouflaged as an official for the United States government) recommended that, for the normal security, all Inhumans ought to be enlisted. The Avengers couldn't help contradicting setting up such a framework, and dismantled, cutting off their connections to the public authority. Along these lines, Marsh made his own group of Avengers, called the Mighty Avengers and comprising of Red Hulk, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Ms. Wonder, Vision, Ant-Man, and Songbird.

Their first authority mission was to stop Baron von Strucker and they did as such, with the assistance of Black Widow and Iron Man. The Mighty Avengers reprimanded the first group, referring to them as "vigilantes" and "rebels". Afterward, Marsh sent them to catch three runaway Inhumans- - Haechi, Flint, and Iso. They were met by the Avengers, who had come to caution the young people of the attack. Subsequently, a battle between the two Avengers' groups down and out up, Captain America got truly harmed and the principle Avengers were captured. The main part who kept away from capture was Black Widow, who joined powers with Medusa And Black Bolt to save the Avengers. In the wake of moving ceaselessly, Inhumans all around the world began to let completely go over their powers, on account of the enrollment plates and it was as of now that Ultron uncovered himself as Truman Marsh.

The Mighty Avengers and the Avengers cooperated against Ultron and his guards armed force and, ultimately, Ultron's actual structure was crushed. Tragically, Ultron had figured out how to have Tony Stark's body, realizing the Avengers wouldn't hurt him.

Nonetheless, Doctor Strange showed up and enchant to save Stark's life and stop Ultron, however in doing as such, Iron Man was left caught hanging in the balance somewhere between the Dark Dimension and the regular world. The Avengers promised to respect their companion's penance and figure out how to bring him home, beginning with setting another Avengers base, since Avengers Tower had been obliterated

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