




Story Line:

Some place, firemen are hosing down a gigantic blast in a destroyed structure.

On top of a slope from the opposite side of a close by burial ground, a man on a bike rides up and stops. He removes his cap uncovering his whiskered face. He peers down to overview the harm and sees one more man on a bike.

The subsequent man, Rick Jones, rides up to a fire fighter and removes his cap. The fireman advises him to continue on saying all in all nothing remains for anyone.

Rick asks him what occurred. The fireman seriously lets him know that the Hulk annihilated their town. Rick places on his protective cap and rides away.

The other man watches him go then places on his head protector. He then, at that point, rides down the slope.

He places his hand on a little pendant on his bike and his hand starts to get on fire going and smoke. He moves his hand away as his entire hand is overwhelmed on fire.

While on a close by span, Rick examines his rearview mirror and sees somebody on a cruiser ablaze. He stops and pivots to help.

The flaring man speeds by him making Rick tumble off his bicycle and off the extension. As Rick approaches the lower part of the gap, the blazing man whips a chain out and gets him.

He is pulled back up to the wellbeing of the extension. Rick goes to see the man, who shows up as a skull encompassed by blazes. The wheels of his cycle are likewise shrouded on fire.

The man, who calls himself the Ghost Rider, says that his main goal isn't with the guiltless Rick yet with a "savage destroyer." Ghost Rider whips the chain around treading on the good humor into his hand. The figure turns his cycle to dash off.

Rick bows by Ghost Rider's tracks and notification that it contains sulfur or, as it is known in the Bible, brimstone.

Rick places on his cap, gets on his bicycle, and follows towards the close by city of Chicago.

Past Sins

In a Soup Kitchen, Dr. Bruce Banner sits alone as do a few other vagrants. Bruce talks into a recorder.

He clarifies that just yesterday he was in an unassuming community close by. Be that as it may, local people really tried to avoid outsiders and pestered them. He discloses that he attempted to caution them when his eyes start to gleam green. He quiets himself and goes on.

All of a sudden the sister Rose Erak intrudes on providing him with some espresso. She says that while the espresso may not be incredible, she would pay attention to his concerns.

Bruce says he is fine, however at that point acknowledges she is attempting to close the kitchen. She lets him know he can remain as long as he can imagine and leaves.

Bruce gazes into the espresso then, at that point, sees the furious essence of his modify self image. He then, at that point, drives the cup away.

In the kitchen, the religious woman is murmuring Amazing Grace as she is packing the garbage. As she leaves, a bubbling pot abruptly brushes its cover off and steam emerges from a water pipe.

As Bruce stands, a blast sends him flying forward. He hears the pious devotee shouting and shouts to her.

Somewhere else, she is calling out for help as she is caught by flotsam and jetsam and blazes.

Bruce attempts to get to her yet is wrecked by a falling pillar. He shouts to her again as he changes into the Hulk.

Mass stands and punches the shaft away. He hears the religious woman shouting and punches his away through a table, section, and entryway to her.

The lady is stunned to see the green goliath remaining there among the blazes.

Such a large number of Heroes

Her calls are heard by Ghost Rider passing by on a bridge. He stops his bicycle and tunes in. He sees the soup kitchen on fire and accepts that Hulk is harming more honest people.

Phantom Rider hurries off, doing a wheelie off the bridge and abandoning a path of blazes.

In the kitchen, the religious woman asks for help. Mass clears trash to get to her. All at once, Ghost Rider drops down before him.

Phantom Rider lets him know that his rule of fear is over then shoots fire from his hand taking Hulk out of the structure and into a vehicle.

Mass sits up to see Ghost Rider braving of the structure conveying the cloister adherent. Mass attempts to stand yet Ghost Rider again shoots him back.

He arrives on the opposite side of a structure and stands to see a police and emergency vehicle driving towards him. Whenever he's trapped in a helicopter's spotlight, Hulk flees not having any desire to hurt any of them.

Back at the kitchen, Ghost Rider puts the pious devotee down. She shouts out so he gets back to his typical human structure. He comforts her maxim that the beast is no more. He looks into saying that the Hulk's judgment has come.

Angel of Death

In the desert at Gamma Base, Betty Ross and Doc Samson are trying a Tranquilizer Ray in the endeavor to fix Bruce of Hulk. Betty takes note of that the mutagenics are repressed yet cracking while film of DNA is being loosened up.

She tells Samson that Bruce could never endure this cycle. Samson asks why gamma transformed blood responds to sedatives that way.

General Thaddeus Ross and Major Glenn Talbot enter. Ross lets them know that Hulk is rampaging along the Chicago lakefront. He inquires as to whether the tranq beam is working. Samson lets him know that it is deadly.

Glenn grins saying that it is working. Betty noticed that Glenn isn't prevailing upon her. She then, at that point, orders her dad not to utilize the beam. Ross is furious however yields.

He arranges the tranq beam to be required to be postponed while Betty and Samson concoct a superior control framework for Hulk.

As the two stroll off, Ross orders Glenn to go to the "Blustery City" with the tranq beam. Glenn grins and joyfully concurs.

Neither notification a little mechanical bug floating in the room.

On a screen, Leader watches Glenn take the tranq beam off its stand and leave with it. He calls Glenn and Ross manikins. He then, at that point, shouts to Gargoyle.

Figure of grotesqueness pushes a PC screen over a little edge whining regarding Leader. He guarantees that he tracked down Dr. Standard's lab first so it ought to be his. He detests that Leader came in a while later and is bossing him around.

As he gets the screen over the edge it collides with more gadgets beneath. Then, at that point, he hears Leader's calls.

Pioneer orders him to send his observation bugs into Chicago to search for Hulk. He needs to observe the animal before the military does since he feels Hulk's powers have a place with him.

Figure of deformity derides Leader's line similarly as he says it. Outside, observation bugs fly out into the evening. High above, Glenn flies in a helicopter towards Chicago.

Most Dangerous Game

Back at the kitchen, a cop is getting an assertion from the sister, who is on a cart being tended to by paramedics.

She clarifies that a green monster attempted to help her yet a kid on a cycle saved her. She asks why the blazes didn't hurt the kid.

Rick hears while in a close by rear entryway. He stoops down and smells more sulfur. He understands that Ghost Rider means to pursue the Hulk. He trusts that if the two at any point battled it could annihilate the city.

Somewhere else, the man is riding his cycle as he changes into Ghost Rider. He races around the city as helicopters fly upward.

Mass terrains in a road and is spotted by two helicopters. They request him not to move, but rather Hulk gets a close by letter drop and tosses it at them.

It hits Unit Two who takes off to somewhere safe and secure. Three others keep on after Hulk who runs into a rear entryway.

Glenn's copter flies in and he arranges the police to clear. As they head out, Glenn taps the tranq beam saying that he will take the Hulk on himself.

Back at Gamma Base, Betty hollers at her dad for taking the tranq beam. He clarifies that he can do anything he desires with anything that he must battle the Hulk.

Betty goes to a terminal and orders Samson to get into a copter since they are leaving for Chicago. She trusts she isn't past the point of no return and strolls off. Ross discreetly apologizes.

Rush to the Hulk

Back in Chicago, copters keep on circumnavigating the sky.

Rick crashes his bicycle through an entryway onto a housetop. He peers down and sees squad cars cordoning off the area.

He rides back to the entryway and turns around to the road. He accelerates and does a wheelie off the rooftop. He arrives past the police blockades.

He goes to look and sees Ghost Rider dashing past the officials. As Ghost Rider speeds past him, Rick grumbles how much simpler Ghost Rider moved beyond the police than he.

At a dump, Hulk remains on a heap of vehicles startling an orange feline. He glances around and accepts that his foes are no more. He jumps away.

Hazy situation

Phantom Rider rides up to the landfill's fence saying that Hulk will know retribution. Rick rides up hindering him saying to quit chasing after his companion. Apparition Rider cautions him not to meddle.

Rick requests to know why he ought to rebuff Hulk. Phantom Rider expresses that there is a "grave foul play" around Hulk and honest people will be harmed. Rick hollers at him saying that Hulk is the one enduring foul play.

Phantom Rider lets him know that assuming Rick impedes him he will experience a similar discipline as Hulk. Rick gets off his bicycle and gets Ghost Rider's handlebars.

He tells Ghost Rider that Hulk would rather not hurt anybody and simply needs to be left alone.

Apparition Rider is stunned that the Ghost Flames of his bicycle didn't hurt his hands. He understands that Rick should be unadulterated on the most fundamental level and really intend what he says.

Be that as it may, Ghost Rider's central goal is as yet unchanged and he should prevent blameless people from kicking the bucket. Rick goes to his fallen cycle and gets his head protector.

He lets Ghost Rider know that in the event that Hulk is going to hurt a blameless individual, he will stop him. He gets on the rear of Ghost Rider's cycle and advises him to go.

Apparition Rider crushes through the fence and the two head out going up the heap of vehicles and jumping off the top.

Party Crashers

On top of a huge structure, Hulk sits on the edge watching out over the city. He doesn't see the observation bug flying behind him.

In Banner's old lab, Leader and Gargoyle watch him. He arranges Gargoyle to draw the bug in nearer to get an example of Hulk's hair. He needs to utilize the DNA make a multitude of gamma-fueled warriors.

As the bug flies nearer, Hulk connects and pounds it. All of a sudden Glenn's copter focuses its light on him. He advises the Hulk to stop while he points the tranq beam.

Mass jumps up and gets the copter's swagger. Glenn drops out and arrives on the rooftop underneath and the tranq beam lands close to him.

As Hulk battles with the copter, Ghost Rider and Rick ride up and see him. Apparition Rider accepts he is harming another honest. Rick calls attention to that the Hulk busters aren't that guiltless in the first place.

High over, the copter collides with the structure and crushes through a few stories. The copter pauses and Hulk stands.

Glenn enters an entryway from the rooftop and starts to head first floor.

Mass meanders around a loft and pulls an image of a lady crazy. He sees it thinking it is Betty.

The Bigger They Are

In another copter, Betty takes a gander at a screen then, at that point, tells Samson that Glenn's copter's guide halted. She doesn't imagine that its a decent sign. Samson says that it could matter and chooses to travel to its last facilitates.

As Hulk keeps on gazing at the image, Glenn creeps up behind him. He raises the tranq beam and glances through the eyepiece.

Apparition Rider and Rick ride up through the roads to the structure's front entryway.

As Hulk keeps taking a gander at the image he changes into Bruce. Yet again as Bruce touches the image, he becomes Hulk then, at that point, once more into Bruce.

He turns and sees Glenn with the tranq beam. Glenn fires hitting him in the chest. Bruce drops the image and changes into Hulk by and by.

Mass starts crushing the structure's backings separated. Glenn says that Hulk is going down this time.

Apparition Rider and Rick crush through the divider and enter the condo. Rick shouts out however Glenn discharge one more shot hitting Hulk.

Furious, Hulk crushes the structure and it starts to go to pieces. Phantom Rider snatches Glenn and crushes through a divider.

The three fly through the air and land securely on the ground. He tosses Glenn onto the road and the tranq beam falls close to him. Rick gets off the cycle while removing his protective cap.

Inside, Hulk keeps crushing and the structure breakdowns.

Involuntary Penance

Betty and Samson fly close by watching it go. She glances through a couple of optics to see Rick, Glenn, and the strange blazing figure.

On the ground, Ghost Rider gets Glenn and requests to know what he was thinking. Apparition Rider look into his spirit and sees various examples of Glenn heartlessly seeking after and assaulting Hulk.

Apparition Rider understands that Hulk indeed the genuine honest and his main goal was off track. He cautions Glenn that assuming Hulk passes on, the blood will be on his hands.

Apparition Rider drops Glenn who starts to cry.

He then, at that point, hears Rick shouting to Bruce. He rapidly moves away bits of the structure to track down his companion.

Bruce hears Rick however can feebly call out.

Apparition Rider understands that Bruce is the guiltless one in all of this. Rick requests that Ghost Rider impact Bruce free. In any case, Ghost Rider knows that assuming he does the rubble will move and kill Bruce.

Rick shouts to him saying that he needs to become frantic and change. No one but Hulk can break out without being harmed. Sadly, Bruce can't become upset and is feeling tired.

Phantom Rider lets Rick know that in the event that he can't save himself, maybe he can save Rick. Rick acknowledges what he means and starts to shout out to Bruce.


Bruce listens to and begins to burrow himself. As Rick proceeds with the demonstration, Bruce becomes furious and changes. Mass lifts himself out of the rubble and terrains close to Rick.

Rick is happy to see his companion alive and embraces him. In any case, Hulk leaves accepting that Ghost Rider is his foe. Apparition Rider concedes that he was Hulk's foe.

Mass attempts to punch Ghost Rider, however the blazing saint effectively gets far removed. Mass then, at that point, implodes onto one knee.

As Betty's copter lands, Rick asks Hulk what's up. Mass lets him know he is worn out. Betty and Samson run out and move toward Glenn. Samson helps him up castigating him for utilizing the tranq beam. Glenn chatters about Hulk's awful guilty conscience and just after orders.

Betty runs over the Hulk and stoops close to him. She requests to realize who Ghost Rider is and how he Hulked. Phantom Rider clarifies that she is blaming some unacceptable individual, as he did.

Samson helps Glenn into the copter then illuminates Betty that the major purged the whole tranq beam into Hulk. She discloses to them that the sedative is in full impact. In the event that Hulk becomes Bruce once more, it will harm him and he will kick the bucket.

Mass starts to change once more into Bruce. Rick strolls over and Betty asks Hulk not to surrender.

Apparition Rider strolls over from his cycle with a huge fire in his grasp. He lets them know that he will right some unacceptable of hunting Hulk.

The fire turns into his chain whip and he folds it over Bruce. Betty shouts as he pulls Bruce right up front. His cycle continues all alone encompassing the two on fire.

Betty and Samson safeguard their eyes from the developing mass of fire. Samson attempts to jump through it however is pushed back.

Phantom Rider advises Bruce to recollect all the shamefulness, agony, and outrage in his life. Bruce streaks back to a few times when Hulk is assaulted. He then, at that point, changes into Hulk and breaks liberated from Ghost Rider's chain.


Outside the fire, Hulk's thunder is heard and Ghost Rider comes flying out. Rick hurries to Ghost Rider as Hulk fans away the fire.

Samson approaches Hulk and gets him. He tosses Hulk through a structure making it breakdown. As Hulk stands, Samson lands in the residue cloud. Samson glances around and Hulk emerges from the residue to punch him back into a heap of lines.

Apparition Rider rides up and tosses a fireball at him. Mass is thumped once more into a divider. Apparition Rider contacts the pendant on his cycle giving him another fireball, which he tosses at the green monster.

Mass is sent flying in reverse into a train vehicle. Samson lifts the vehicle and drops it on Hulk.

Betty and Rick run up and are stunned by the fight. Phantom Rider rides up inquiring as to whether he killed Hulk. Samson lets him know he proved unable.

Mass abruptly flies out of the train vehicle and grounds before Ghost Rider. He gets the legend's cycle, with him on it, and throws it to the side. Apparition Rider accidents and his cycle seems to detonate.

Samson jumps up to assault Hulk yet is handily batted away. Samson lands close to a heap of shafts which breakdown on him.

Mass leaves and falls, saying how tired he is. Betty and Rick run up and she tells him not to nod off or stop. Be that as it may, Hulk implodes onto the ground and starts to change again calling them his companions.

Betty then, at that point, lets him know that they are not companions. She and Rick start to cry. She says that she is frightened of him since he is disastrous. She proceeds to say that she doesn't cherish him and can't stand him.

Mass asks why she can't stand him. Betty then, at that point, covers her face in Rick's chest.

Rick go on with saying that Hulk has destroyed everyone's life. He says they wish Hulk would let them be. Mass starts to slither after them.

Rick flees as a greater amount of Bruce shows. Betty lets him know he is only a beast and she never needs to see him. Both Rick and Betty are sobbing. Yet again bruce becomes Hulk.

More awful Than The Symptoms

He hollers out and starts crushing the train motor. He lifts it up and crushes it onto the ground. He lifts it again and tosses it.

Samson approaches Rick and Betty saying that Hulk is consuming the sedatives.

Mass stops his crushing and slamming and moves toward the three. He says that he is not generally drained, yet accepts he has no companions. Mass turns his back to them.

Rick attempts to let him know that he isn't right and they didn't mean any of the things they said. They just said it so he would become frantic and save himself.

Mass says he is befuddled and jumps away. Betty starts to cry and Samson comforts her with the information that they saved his life. Rick regrets that they made himextremely upset.

Apparition Rider rides up, on his totally fine cycle, letting them know what something respectable they did, harming Hulk's soul to save his body. He guarantees it was a genuine demonstration of fellowship and something he was unable to do. He then, at that point, lets them know that the Hulk's heart will mend.

Apparition Rider heads out with the three watching him go. Neither of them notice the reconnaissance bug flying by.

In his lab, Leader says how he at last got a solitary hair from Hulk's body with DNA on it. He proceeds to say that he will presently make a multitude of gamma-controlled troopers to do his offering. He praises Hulk on being a "father".

Somewhere else during a rainstorm, Hulk sits on a housetop close to a stone figure of deformity. Mass cases that the stone is fortunate since doesn't get injured genuinely like he can.


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